Having a website for the choir is great, but can be rather time-consuming, especially with regard to dates and events. I know I should try and update it more regularly so when I eventually do get around to working on it, it wouldn't take me ages each time to bring it back up to date!
Anyway, the current version can be seen in the links to the right of this blog, or here if you prefer!
There are also a couple of photo sets on Flickr which may be of interest. Forthcoming Rudgate Services is a bit like the Ronseal Ad, in other words, contains photos of the next venues of our 'forthcoming services'. Rudgate Venues is quite literally, a selection of churches, cathedrals and other locations where we have appeared over the years.
After Saturday's successful Mass in Halifax, I'm quite looking forward to - in a manner of speaking - putting my feet up and listening to someone else do all the work. :-) In this case, it's the St Philip Neri Singers, based at the Holy Name in Manchester who are singing a Mozart EF Mass tomorrow evening. I'm not back at work yet, so a leisurely train ride via a liquid [and food as well!] lunch at the legendary Buffet Bar @ Stalybridge, followed by the Mass itself. A recipe for a good day out!
Daily Rome Shot 1260 – news
2 hours ago