Apologies for the hiatus between posts, but as you can gather from the title, I'm officially 'at risk' of redundancy. It's been looming since February, with all the uncertainty that goes with an internal review, but confirmation came in at the end of October. Hopefully, I'll be found another job within the firm, but until/unless that happens, the days are being ticked off to the time my position expires.. It's a very depressing situation to be in. I know it's happened to thousands before me in all forms of employment, and now I'm on the receiving end!
Since the last time I put anything up here, the Pope has come and gone, and we've sung at various events, principally at Sheffield for the Golden Jubilee of St Theresa's church, York for All Souls, and at Scunthorpe for Remembrance Sunday. The next major event in our diary is the Annual Carol Service at
Bishophill Jnr, on 20th December. If you're in the area and want to come along, you'll be most welcome. It might just cheer me up a bit to see familiar faces in the congregation! The service starts at 7.30pm. By then, I may know a little more on the job front. Fingers and everything else crossed! Prayers of course, especially welcome!