Sunday, 27 October 2013

Compline this week

This will be at 9.30pm on Friday due to other events taking place that day. It's also the Solemnity of All Saints which means of course, Compline of Sunday with Solemn Salve! We'll also be singing Te Lucis II which we don't often get to do.

Usual venue, St. Mary's Bishophill jnr York. All welcome!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Brinkburn Video Highlights

Click on the following link and enjoy!

Huge H/T to Mark for filming and editing this.

Compline by candlelight tomorrow.

This is exactly the same as last week, note for note, it being the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. One of our number thought it might be more solemn as we now have a Pope Francis - but not so! It's still Friday psalms, Te Lucis I & Simple Salve.

All welcome at Bishophill Jnr at our usual time of 8.45pm.