As it's our 20th anniversary year, I thought some readers might just be interested in seeing exactly what we've done up to now and where.
So, starting with what was supposed to be a one-off occasion up to the present day, here goes!
(Events marked by an an asterisk* were with the Schola only, not the full choir.)
15th June. Church of the Immaculate Conception & St John of Beverley.
Missa Cantata. Chant proper, Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli & motets
Vespers & Benediction
16th November, Leeds Cathedral
Sung Requiem. Victoria à 6
22nd March, St Peter's Church, Belle Isle, Leeds
Vespers and Benediction
15th August, Leeds Cathedral
Mass for the Feast of the Assumption.
Chant proper, Palestrina, Missa Assumpta est Maria
31st October, Holy Family Church, Pontefract
Mass on the eve of All Saints' Day
Victoria. Missa O Quam Gloriosum. Stanford, Justorum Animae.
20th March, Church of St John the Baptist, Normanton
Missa Cantata (Eve of Passion Sunday)
Seiber, Missa Brevis & Bruckner motets
9th July. Brinkburn Priory
Missa Cantata
Palestrina, Missa Brevis. Motets by Victoria & Byrd
6th November. Church of SS Mary & Everilda, Everingham.
Sung Requiem. Victoria à 6
18th March. Holy Family Church, Pontefract
Solemn Mass. Ember week in Lent
Monteverdi, Messe a quattro voci. Motets by Victoria, Tallis & Palestrina
30th June. Sacred Heart Chapel, Broughton Hall, Skipton.
Feast of the Sacred Heart. Missa Cantata.
Palestrina, Missa Brevis & motets by Viadana and Victoria.
15th July. Church of St Columba, Bradford
Missa Cantata & Benediction. Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Byrd. Mass for four voices. Motets by Byrd, Bruckner & Allegri
9th September. Brinkburn Priory.
Solemn High Mass of Our Lady
Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli. Motets by Guerrero & Monteverdi
29th September. Church of SS Mary & Everilda, Everingham
Missa Cantata commemorating the Restoration of the Catholic Hierarchy of England & Wales
Chant proper, Missa de angelis & motets by Richard Dering
18th November. Church of St Charles, Attercliffe, Sheffield.
Solemn Requiem. Anerio Requiem
18th March. Church of St Joseph, Pickering.
First Vespers of St Joseph & Benediction.
1st July 2001. Church of St Charles, Attercliffe, Sheffield
Solemn Mass & Benediction. Feast of the Most Precious Blood.
Haydn, Little Organ Mass. Motets by Anerio, Mozart, Elgar & Allegri
21st July, St Joseph's Church, Bradford
Solemn Mass. Feast of St Laurence of Brundesi
Victoria, Missa O Quam Gloriosum & motets by Bruckner, Scarlatti & Byrd
27th July, Church of SS Mary & Everilda, Everingham
Ferial Sung Mass.
25th November. All Saints' Church, North Street, York
Pontifical Mass for the Feast of Christ the King
Palestrina, Missa Assumpta est Maris & motets by Victoria & Grancini
22nd December. Church of Our Lady, Acomb, York.
Service of Readings and Carols & Benediction.
2nd February. Church of St Andrew, Bolton-on-Dearne
Mass (English Missal) for Candlemas
Missa de angelis & motets by Byrd & Victoria
30th March, Church of All Saints, North Street, York*
Holy Week 2002. Easter Vigil Service.
20th April, All Saints' North Street, York
The Pre-Reformation Mass. Requiem according to the Use of York.
27th July. Church of St. Andrew, Bolton-on-Dearne
Traditional English Missal Mass of Our Lady
Missa de angelis & motets by Kodaly & Dering
15th September. Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Solemn Mass. 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Monteverdi, Messa a quattro voci. Motets by Stanford & Byrd
2nd November, Church of St Therese of the Child Jesus, Sheffield
Solemn Requiem. Victoria à 4
6th December. The Norman Chapel of St Nicholas in Pickering Castle
Traditional Carol Service (Feast of St Nicholas)
22nd February. Church of St Joseph, Scarborough
Feast of the Chair of St Peter
Scarlatti, Missa Quatuor Vocum & motets by Palestrina & Rivafrecha
3rd May, Church of St Paulinus, York.
Mass for 2nd Sunday after Easter
Missa de angelis & motets by Mozart, Pitoni & Soriano
17th May, Byland Abbey
Mass for the Walsingham Association
7th June, Church of St Norbert, Crowle, Lincolnshire
Solemn Mass. Vigil of Pentecost
Palestrina, Missa Brevis. Motets by Aichinger, Palestrina & Soriano
8th June. St Mary's Centre, Middlesbrough*
Missa Cantata for Pentecost
28th September, Church of All Saints, Ryther.
Harvest Festival Service.
Motets by Byrd & Charles Wood
12th October, Greek Orthodox Church of the Three Hierarchs, Leeds*
Feast of St. Wilfrid. Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
22nd November. Church of St Norbert, Crowle, Lincolnshire
Solemn Mass for the Feast of St Cecilia
Byrd, Mass for five voices. Motets by Bardos, Bruckner & Stanford
30th November. Greek Orthodox Church of the Three Hierarchs, Leeds*
(In the presence of the Lord Mayor of Leeds)
Feast of St. Andrew. Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
21st December, Church of St Paulinus, York
Traditional Carol Service & Benediction.
25th February, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater
Ash Wednesday. Missa Cantata.
Byrd, Mass for three voices. Motets by Byrd & Lassus
20th March, Church of St Joseph, Pickering
Solemn Mass commemorating the centenary of St Joseph's Parish
Byrd, Mass for three voices, Ave Verum & O Quam Suavis
18th April, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for Low Sunday
16th May, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for the 5th Sunday of Easter.
30th May, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Mass for Pentecost
12th June, All Saints' North Street, York
Medieval Procession and Mass of Corpus Christi
26th June, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle
Solemn Nuptial Mass (Francis & Julie Carey)
Mozart, Missa Brevis in D [K.194] Motets by Fauré and Mozart
24th July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
The First Founders' Day Requiem for John & Josephine Bowes
2nd October, Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels
Byrd, Mass for four voices. Motets by Michael Haydn & Casciolini
13th November, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater
Solemn Requiem Mass. Victoria à 4
22nd December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York.
Traditional Carol Service
19th March, Church of St Joseph, Pickering
Mass for the Feast of St Joseph
Victoria, Mass & motet O Quam Gloriosum
23rd April, St Cuthbert's Church, Wigan
The Solemnity of St George.
Victoria, Missa O Quam Gloriosum & motets O Quam Gloriosum and Pange Lingua
4th May, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Compline (Eve of the Ascension)
4th June, Sheffield (Anglican) Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Divine Liturgy for the Feast of SS Constantine and Helen
3rd July, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Compline of Sunday
10th July, Kirkham Priory*
Gregorian Chant Mass
23rd July. St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Founders' Day Requiem
6th August, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Mass for the Feast of the Transfiguration.
17th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn High Mass of the BVM
Byrd Mass for 4 voices & motets by Byrd and Victoria
22nd October, Greek Orthodox Church of the Three Hierarchs, Leeds*
Pan-Orthodox Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
22nd December, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater
Traditional Carol Service and Benediction.
25th February, St Joseph's Church, Gateshead
Solemn Nuptial Mass (David & Theresa O'Neill)
Byrd, Mass for three voices & Franc, Panis Angelicus
25th March, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Missa Cantata. Feast of the Annunciation
10th June, Church of SS Mary & Everilda, Everingham
Sung Mass to commemorate our 10th anniversary.
Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli
Motets by Victoria & Tallis and (believed to be) the first catholic liturgical performance of the Solemn York Salve Regina (St. Mary's Abbey) since the Reformation!
22nd July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Founders' Day Requiem
28th October, Greek Orthodox Church of the Three Hierarchs, Leeds*
Pan-Orthodox Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
4th November, Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Solemn Requiem. Lobo à 8
17th December, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for Gaudete Sunday.
20th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
21st January, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany.
18th February, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for Quinquagesima Sunday.
11th March, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
First Vespers for the Feast of St Gregory the Great.
18th March, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for Laetare Sunday
15th April, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for Low Sunday.
13th May, Church of SS Mary and Everilda, Everingham
Missa Cantata for the 5th Sunday of Easter
Palestrina, Missa Brevis & motets by Lassus, Schütz and Soriano
20th May, Church of St john the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for the Sunday after Ascension.
9th June, More House Chapel, University of York*
Greek-Catholic Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.
17th June, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Gregorian Chant Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
15th July, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Missa Cantata, 7th Sunday after Pentecost.
Byrd, Mass for three voices
21st July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Founders' Day Requiem
19th August, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata. 12th Sunday after Pentecost
8th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn Mass for the Nativity of the BVM
Byrd Propers from the Gradualia & Byrd Ave Verum
9th September, St Mary's Abbey, York*
Vespers of the BVM
Concluding with the York Salve Regina, believed to be the first time it was sung in the Abbey (ruins) since the Dissolution & Reformation.
16th September, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata. 16th Sunday after Pentecost
13th October, Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Bamford, Derbyshire
Traditional Nuptial Mass
21st October, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost.
1st November, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Solemn Mass for the Feast of All Saints.
4th November, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
17th November, Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Missa Cantata for the Feast of St. Hugh of Lincoln
Victoria, Mass & motet 'O Quam Gloriosum' & Byrd, Sacerdotes Domini
18th November, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Solemn Mass for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost.
2nd December, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for the 1st Sunday of Advent.
16th December, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Mass for Gaudete Sunday.
20th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
6th January, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for the Feast of the Epiphany.
20th January, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for Septuagesmima Sunday.
2nd February, Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Solemn Mass for Candlemas.
Byrd Mass for four voices & Propers from the Gradualia
3rd February, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for Quinquagesima Sunday.
16th March, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Mass for Palm Sunday.
20th April, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 4th Sunday after Easter.
3rd May, More House Chapel, University of York*
Byzantine Catholic Liturgy for Pascha in Bright Week.
10th May, Church of St Chad, Manchester
Solemn Mass for the Vigil of Pentecost
Jeff Ostrowski, Missa Summi et Aeterni Sacerdoti (first performance outside the USA)
Motets by Allegri, Tallis, Monteverdi and Soriano
11th May, Tyburn, Knavesmire, York*
Mass for the dignity of human life.
18th May, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.
15th June, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 5th Sunday after Pentecost.
23rd June, Trinity & All Saints College, Leeds*
Solemn High Mass for The Nativity of St John the Baptist.
12th July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Annual Founders' Day Requiem
20th July, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 10th Sunday after Pentecost.
15th August, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Assumption.
17th August, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost.
13th September, St Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle upon Tyne*
Solemn High Mass in Honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
20th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn Mass in honour of the BVM
Josquin, Messe Ave Maris Stella. Motets by Guerrero & Rivafrecha
21st September, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost.
19th October, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost.
25th October, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Solemn Mass in honour of the BVM
Josquin, Messe Ave Maris Stella. Motets by Guerrero & Rivafrecha
16th November, St Mary's Abbey, York*
1. Vespers of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
16th November, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
2. Missa Cantata for the 27th Sunday after Pentecost.
18th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
21st December, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 4th Sunday of Advent.
25th December, Church of St John the Evangelist, Allerton Bywater*
Missa Cantata for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Midnight Mass.
20th February, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Choral Vespers of the BVM
Motets by Grandi, Hassler, Lassus & Soriano
21st March, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
First Vespers of Laetare Sunday.
9th April, Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds*
Paschal Triduum 2009. Mass of the Lord's Supper.
10th April, Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds*
Paschal Triduum 2009. Commemoration of the Lord's Passion.
11th April, Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds*
Paschal Triduum 2009. The Easter Vigil.
23rd May, St Marie's Church, Halifax
Missa Cantata. External solemnity of the Ascension.
Moets by Schaller, Croce & Soriano
6th June, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
First Vespers of Trinity Sunday.
19th June, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Second Vespers and Compline Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
27th June, Church of St Alphonsus, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough
Mass and Devotions for the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
Palestrina, Missa Veni Sponsa Christi. Motets by Elgar & Croce
18th July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Annual Founders' Day Requiem
21st July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Missa Cantata to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Fr Wilfrid Elkin
16th August, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Mass of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
5th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn Mass, St Laurence Justinian
Lotti, Mass in A minor. Motets by Scarlatti & Dering
7th November, Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Solemn Requiem. Victoria à 6, Versa est in luctum.
21st December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York.
Traditional Carol Service
14th February, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Missa Cantata, Quinquagesima Sunday
Lotti, Missa Brevis. Motets by Palestrina & Zwyssig
14th March, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Lotti, Mass in A Minor. Motets by Tallis
15th April, Ushaw College
Solemn Requiem. Victoria à 6
18th April, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Second Sunday after Easter. Missa Cantata.
16th May, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Missa Cantata, External Solemnity of the Ascension
Byrd, Mass for three voices
23rd May, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the Feast of Pentecost.
20th June, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Missa Cantata, 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Christoph Dalitz, Mass in Eb. Motets by Victoria & Elgar
18th July, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata, 8th Sunday after Pentecost
31st July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Annual Founders' Day Requiem
11th September, Brinkburn Priory
Tallis, Mass for four voices. Motets by Monteverdi
14th September, Church of St Charles Borromeo, Hull*
Solemn High Mass for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
26th September, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost.
1st October, Church of St Therese of the Child Jesus, Sheffield*
3rd October, Church of St Therese of the Child Jesus, Sheffield*
Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Parish
17th October, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost.
2nd November, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Solemn Requiem for the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed. (All Souls) Fauré Requiem.
14th November, Church of the Holy Souls, Scunthorpe
Remembrance Sunday. Solemn Requiem. Victoria à 6. Motet, Versa est in luctum
21st November, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata for the Last Sunday after Pentecost.
19th December, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Canata for the 4th Sunday of Advent.
20th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
16th January, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata: Second Sunday after Epiphany.
12th February, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Missa Cantata. Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order.
Christoph Dalitz, Mass in E Major. Motets by Mozart
20th February, Church of the English Martyrs, York*
Missa Cantata, Septuagesima Sunday
26th March, York Minster
Missa Cantata. Feast of St Margaret Clitherow.
Byrd, Mass for 5 voices and motets Iustorum anime, Ave Verum & Ave Regina Caelorum
26th March, Church of the English Martyrs, York
Benediction (1st Margaret Clitherow Pilgrimage)
21st April, Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds*
Paschal Triduum 2011. Mass of the Lord's Supper.
22nd April, Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds*
Paschal Triduum 2011. Commemoration of the Lord's Passion.
23rd April, Notre Dame Chapel, Leeds*
Paschal Triduum 2011. The Easter Vigil.
30th April, Stow Minster
Solemn Sung Eucharist in the Octave of Easter
Palestrina, Missa Brevis. Motets by Furmanik, Bairstow & Soriano
18th June, Church of St Joseph, Scarborough (Our 15th anniversary service!)
Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli. Motets by Aichinger, Tallis & Lotti
9th July, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Gregorian Chant Workshop & Compline
23rd July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle
Annual Founders Day Requiem. Victoria à 4
10th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn High Mass
Hassler, Missa Secunda. Motets by Victoria & Pergolesi
29th October, Ampleforth Abbey (in conjunction with other choirs)
Orthodox Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Music by Rachmaninov, Kastalsky, Chesnokov, Arkhangelsky & other Slavonic chants
11th November, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Remembrance Day. Vespers of the Faithful Departed.
19th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
21st January, Ampleforth Abbey (with other choirs)
Orthodox Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
Music by Rachmaninov, Kastalsky, Chesnokov, Arkhangelsky & other Slavonic chants
11th February, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Open Day with the Rudgate Singers
24th March, Churches of St Wilfrid and the English Martyrs, York
Solemn Mass in honour of St Margaret Clitherow
Missa 'Summi et Aeterni Sacerdoti, Jeff Ostrowski.
Motets by Victoria, Scarlatti, Bruckner, De Wael, Gombert, Perosi & Allegri
6th May, Church of St Hilda, Leeds
The May Devotion. Vespers, Procession & Benediction
19th May, York Minster
The 2012 Choirs in the Minster Home-Start Concert
21st May, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Orthodox Divine Liturgy for the Feast of SS Constantine and Helen
21st July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle
Annual Founders' Day Requiem. Pearsall Requiem (1st liturgical performance!)
8th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn Mass for the Nativity of the BVM
Monteverdi, Messe a quattro voci. Motets by Victoria, Guerrero & Praetorius.
9th September, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York*
Festival Evensong for the Dedication of the New Stations of the Cross.
25th September, Mater Dolorosa Church, Imsterberg, Tirol, Austria*
Votive Mass of the Holy Guardian Angels
26th September, Mater Dolorosa Church, Imsterberg, Tirol, Austria*
27th September, Mater Dolorosa Church, Imsterberg, Tirol, Austria*
Gregorian Chant Mass
15th December, St Marie's Church, Halifax*
Solemn High Mass for the Silver Jubilee of Mgr. David Smith (our first ever celebrant)
21st December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
12th April, Ratcliffe College, Leicester
Solemn Requiem Mass. Victoria à 4
4th May, Churches of St Wilfrid & the English Martyrs, York.
Solemn Mass in honour of St Margaret Clitherow
Victoria, Missa Simile est Regnum. Motets by Bardos, Croce, Webbe & Allegri
29th June, Bar Convent Chapel, York*
Sung Mass for the Silver Jubilee of Fr. Richard Aladics
20th July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle*
Annual Founders' Day Requiem
14th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn Mass for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Byrd, Mass for four voices. Motets by King John IV of Portugal, & Felice Anerio
12th October, Church of St Augustine, Darlington
Missa Cantata. Feast of St Wilfrid
Victoria Missa 'O Quam Gloriosum' & motets, Ecce Sacerdos Magnus & O Quam Gloriosum
20th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
29th March, Church of St Wilfrid, York
Solemn Mass & Benediction (St Margaret Clitherow Pilgrimage)
Mozart Missa Brevis in D minor. Motets by Byrd, Pergolesi, Peter Phillips, Fresi, Perosi & Siniawski
23rd July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle
Annual Founders' Day Requiem. Victoria à 4
6th September, Brinkburn Priory
Solemn Mass of the BVM.
20th November, Markenfield Hall
Mass to Commemorate the Rising of the North
19th December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
9th May, Church of St Wilfrid, York.
Solemn Mass & Benediction (St Margaret Clitherow Pilgrimage)
25th July, St Mary's Church, Barnard Castle
Annual Founders' Day Requiem. Ett, Missa Pro Defunctis
5th August, Church of St Charles, Borromeo, Hull*
Missa Cantata. Our Lady of the Snows
29th August, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Vespers of the BVM. (Yorkshire Medieval Festival)
26th September, St Joseph's Church, Heywood
Choral Evensong of Our Lady of Walsingham
3rd October, Grounds of the former Dominican Priory in Arklow, Co. Wicklow*
Dominican Voices. In the presence of the Mayor of Arklow & civic dignitaries from County Wicklow
3rd October, Church of Sts Mary & Peter, Arklow*
Gregorian & Dominican Chant Mass
4th October, Church of St Saviour, Arklow*
Sung Eucharist
20th November, Markenfield Hall*
Sung Mass to commemorate the Rising of the North
21st December, St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Traditional Carol Service
6th January, Church of St Charles Borromeo, Hull*
Missa Cantata. Feast of the Epiphany
9th January, Church of the Sacred Heart, Hornsea*
Requiem Mass for Les Jones
Not bad for what was supposed to be a one-off occasion!
There are probably others which I've forgotten about, and I haven't included all the services for the Training Conferences at Ushaw (1 & 2), Ratcliffe, Belmont & Prior Park as these would easily add another 30-40 to this list...
The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted that every 5 years we aim to sing Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli, so expect that to appear at some point later this year!