Monday, 20 June 2016

Future Services. July-September

16th July. 12pm

Sung/Solemn Mass to commemorate our 20th Anniversary.

St. Austin's Church, Wakefield

23rd July. 12pm

The Annual Founders' Day Memorial Requiem.

St Mary's Catholic Church, Barnard Castle

30th July. 12pm

Sung Mass.

St Ignatius' Church, Ossett

21st-27th August probably 7.30pm

St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York.

The Yorkshire Medieval Churches Festival
Dominican Rite Compline.

We shall also be singing Roman Rite Vespers on the 27th, probably between 3.30-4pm.

10th September. 12pm

Annual Solemn Mass

Brinkburn Priory, Northumberland